Books Reviewed This Week:
Solid (Solid #1) - Shelley Workinger
Moon Spell (Lunarmorte #1) - Samantha Young
Hollowland (The Hollows #1) - Amanda Hocking
Guest Post: Karly Kirkpatrick {Author of Into the Shadows & Bloody Little Secrets}
Guest Post: Megg Jensen {Author of Anathema}
Guest Post: G.P. Ching {Author of The Soulkeepers}
Giveaway & Guest Post: S.L. Baum {Author of A Chance For Charity}
Waiting on Wednesday: The Indie Edition
This week's Questions is...
I also participate in Follow Friday, so those of you who popped by from that, thank you - and thank you parajunkee for hosting it! "Do you read only one book at a time, or do you have several going at once?"
Well, I try to only have one book going at a time, but that doesn't always work. Sometimes I have something going on my nook and then something in an actual physical copy. Them, sometimes if I am not really into a book, it takes me a while to finish it and I read other things with it. This Week's Follow Friday Question is..
How did you come up with your blog name?
I spent a lot of time coming up with a blog name. I had a ton of different options, none of which I remember- but I do remember the process. I really just had a bunch of different words that I liked (how appropriate for a book blogger!) and then I tried them in different combination. If I remember correctly, some of the words were vixen, damsel, lady, bookworm, bookish and reader. Obviously, I don't remember them all.. I had a long list. I am happy with what I came up with though, I actually found a quote that fits perfectly with my blog name a few months ago. I might include it on my header image next time I redo it :)
"I was horribly bookish, to the point of coming right out and saying it, which I knew was not socially acceptable. I particularly loved the adjective bookish, which I found other people used about as often as ramrod or chum or teetotaler."(Dash & Lily's Book of Dares)

Old follower stopping by :)
I adore Dash. I want him to be real (although to be honest I'd way too intimidated to ever actually be anywhere near him).
This exactly what I mean when I say smart guys are the hottest. Dash. Sigh.
Great quote. That book is on my TBR.
I always like to have a couple of books going at once.
I've been doing a lot of re-reading lately, which is unusual. It's just as well - I've got so many reviews to catch up on!
Happy Friday! I came up with my blog name because thats what books does to it. It bites you hard that you love the book and want to talk about it. Or you love it, and have to re-read it again just for the heck of it. I figure it fits. At least for me that is. Have a great weekend :)
Hopping through. It's cool that you spent so much time choosing your blog name. I basically chose the first thing that came to mind.
My Hop
I think your blog name is so cute! Very creative!
Happy Friday!
My Hop!
For some reason, I thought I was already a follower. Guess not. New follower stopping through. I like the word bookish. I think you made a good choice in your name.
Not everyone can multi-task and nobody should. When it comes to book sure, I can't read four books simultaneously (or even two, for that matter!) but there are times I'll juggle as many as four books at a time depending on the subject matter, the urgency or more often both.
The real trick to this is what KINDS of books to juggle. Hop on over to my blog and learn the method behind my madness - http://www.howardshermannet
Howard Sherman
LOVE Dash & Lily!
New follower!
A Nook owner! Do you have the color one or the eInk one?
I pretty much try to read just one book at a time too.
Here's my Book Blogger Hop: 3/18-3/21 post!
My blog name is a combination of the first part of my e-mail and the content of my blog.
One-book-at-a-time lady here....
....I don't know how folks do it....I am amazed at how many people read more than one book at at time. :)
Stop by my blog for a giveaway of LINEN QUEEN courtesy of Sarah from Hachette Books and to see my answer to this week's Blog Hop question.
Love your blog name. Totally describes me. :)
Have a great weekend!
iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books
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