About The Blog
This blog began on July 15th of 2010 as "That Bookish Girl". I created it as a book review blog where I reviewed young adult, urban fantasy and speculative fiction titles. It remained a successful and active book review blog for 2 years. After those initial 2 years, I became busy with life and decided to take a break from the blogging word. Now I'm back, with a new name, and hope to expand this blog to encompass every aspect of my life: the books, the travels, the cooking, the LIVING.
About the Author
My name is Sarah and I'm a full-time graphic designer from East Lansing, Michigan. I'm a born and bred Michigander with a love for everything it brings; fresh air, fresh water, fresh food & freezing winters. I nurse a healthy addiction for reading, cooking, thrifting, traveling & designing and will share all the gritty details of my daily life on the blog.
I moonlight as an etsy seller (a co-owner of Triad Design Co.) & a mystery shopper. In short, I'm the queen of the odd job. If you have any questions or tidbits send me an email at thatbookishgirl@gmail.com