Books Reviewed This Week:
Beautiful Creatures (Caster Chronicles #1) - Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl
Anna and the French Kiss - Stephanie Perkins
Giveaway: Follower Love Hop Giveaway
Waiting on Wednesday: Die for Me - Amy Plum
Thank You Everyone who is stopping by for the Blog Hop and thank you to crazy-for-books for hosting the hop!
This week's Questions is...
Well, I have links to all this week's posts at the top of this, so I will link to one from a different week. How about the Indie Reads Blog Hop? I am still looking for people to participate in this, you guys are slacking :) The hop is apart of The Indie Reads Appreciation Week and to help promote our favorite indie authors. So, please sign up :)
"Tell us about one of your posts from this week and give us a link so we can read it (review or otherwise)!"
This Week's Follow Friday Question is..
What is your favorite romance hero-type? Stereotype wise. Do you like the strong silent type or the brute macho man?
My vote goes to the strong silent type. I hate macho men, they just irritate the feminist in me. I cannot stand it when the men just sort of push the female characters around and do whatever they want. I enjoy a strong male character, but he's got to let the girl do her own thing. I am thinking along the lines of Adam Hauptman from Patricia Brigg's Mercy Thompson series and Jeff Martini from Gini Koch's Katherine "Kitty" Katt series. Those two just make me melt :)

Silent types are good in my opinon, when the heroine is strong, because if the heroine is a girl that you want to smack her head in the floor, this kind of hero doesn't work well for them.
I'm your newest follower :D
hi...Silent types are good in my opinon, when the heroine is strong, because if the heroine is a girl that you want to smack her head in the floor,
I'm with you all the way with your comment regarding the macho brutish types! The feminist inside me cringes too. They don't leave much room for butt-kicking heroines which the literary world needs more of!
YES! That's exactly my problem with the big, macho men! Especially when they don't think a woman can handle herself and act like cavemen and wanting to 'claim' them and whatever, urgh! Strong Silent Types FTW!! :D
Check out my FF this week
Love your answer! I love silent type of guys as well. Have a great weekend :)
Ugh, I totally agree with the macho man thing. I do not take well to being pushed around lol. Have a great weekend!
Stopping in from Parajunkee's View. Hope you have a great weekend.
I'm all for the strong, silent type too! There's just something about a mysterious man. :)
Great blog! I'm now following you. :) Have a great weekend!
I'm waiting on Amy Plum's first book too, it looks really good! I'm wondering what the UK cover will look like...
I'm glad you pointed me to the indie reads hop. It's something I will consider. I hope you are having a great Friday!
New follower hopping by for the Crazy for Books blog hop; glad to find another UF review blog -- have a great weekend!
Just hopping by to say hi. I'm also waiting for Amy Plum's Die for Me. It sounds interesting.
Well put! I never appreciate a man who will walk all over women. Here's what I said.
I love the dark broody type with the fierce protectiveness to the people they love.
FFand Blog Hops
Yes, I couldn't agree more! I can't stand big pushy dumb guys... which is probably why I don't read very much romance. Too many alpha males! Give me a sensitive, misunderstood sort any day.
for me its the strong silent type :). new follower stopping by, happy follow friday! looking forward to reading ur reviews. here's my blog if u wanna follow back,
It's the same for me too.
Hopping by!
Happy Hop. I like the strong silent type. But sometimes the macho type works for me.
here's my hop-->
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