This week's Questions is...
"What very popular and hyped book in the blogosphere did you NOT enjoy and how did you feel about posting your review?"
Well, I am sure there are lots of books that I didn't agree with the majority of reviewers, but there are few different ones that come to mind. I really didn't like 13 to Life very much and I didn't really enjoy The Iron King as much as everyone else. I didn't feel uncomfortable posting my reviews, because everyone is entitled to their own opinions. No one has ever been rude to be because of a review and I try and keep the reviews respectful in return. :)
This Week's Follow Friday Question is..
What do you do besides reading / reviewing as a hobby??
Well, Reading and Reviewing takes up an awful lot of my free time... which I really don't have a lot of. I also am a full time student and I work. But, I enjoy watching movies, I occasionally edit videos, I love going to sporting events (yay MSU Spartans!) and I am a huge music fan. I love discovering new artists - it doesn't matter what genre, I like what I like. I also love going to concerts and traveling when I can.

Hey :)
I'm a new visitor, dropping in from the Hop. I haven't read either of the books you mention, but I've certainly heard of them. I'm glad you don't feel any pressure to write only positive reviews.
Have a great weekend,
Rachel Star
Yay! It's Friday! I'm so glad for the week to be over maybe now I can get some reading time in. I'm stopping by for the Blog Hop and Follow Friday. I hope you have a awesome weekend!
I'm an old follower. =)
Romance Book Junkies
I feel like you reading and reviewing take up a lot of my free time! I was surprised I was able to accomplish NaNoWriMo! How are you liking your Nook? Have a great weekend :)
I haven't read the Kagawa books yet, but I'm still looking forward to them, even realizing that not all books in a series are necessarily equal.
And you're absolutely right; if you read it, you're entitled to review it .. you can always say why you disliked a book without slamming the author. :)
Old follower hopping through!
I like the Iron Fey Series. Your blog is the first one (that I've come across) that listed this.
Hopping through. I love the Iron Fey series. But I thought the first book wasn't that great - Megan annoyed me. The second book was better. I'm reading the third book now and it's really good.
My Hop
13 To Life was a bit blah. I'm hoping I enjoy Iron Fey, which I just won on another blog!!!
My pick? Shiver. Just don't get why people like it so...
Happy hop!
Hi There I'm and old follower stopping by to say hi! Drop by and say hi when you get a chance!
Just stopping by from the blogger hop. I hope your weekend has been great!
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