This week in honor of Book Blogger Appreciation Week, we are taking time to honor our favorite book bloggers and why we love them!
Oh wow - what a great idea! There are so many blogs that I love, but I will pick out a few to share with everyone!
Angieville: I love Angieville because there is such a great variety of content on her blog. She reviews books of all different genres and has interesting and entertaining posts. Plus, I love her feature Retro Friday. Every week she reviews an older book and brings it to the forefront for the blogging community. Thanks to her I discovered one of my all time favorite books, Eva Underground.
The Book Smugglers: This was really the first book blog I ever started regularly following. They review speculative fiction and have introduced me to some great books! They have a lot of guest authors on the blog and always keep their posts fun to read. I completely trust both of their opinions on books - we usually agree!
The Story Siren: Of course I had to put the Story Siren on my list! Kristi is amazing. I cannot tell you how many books I have read because of her reviews and her posts on blogging have helped me tremendously. She is extremely kind and will get back to you ASAP if you have questions and her blog is just great.
Voracious YAppetite: I love Voracious YAppetite for a couple of reasons - there are always great books up for review and the reviews themselves are well written and entertaining. All of Kris's posts are entertaining - she is very.. snarky. It is just an all around great blog!
I also participate in Follow Friday, so those of you who popped by from that, thank you - and thank you parajunkee for hosting it!
This week she's featuring Bailey from Bailey's Book Reviews who asks the question:
This week she's featuring Bailey from Bailey's Book Reviews who asks the question:
YA or Adult?
Well, both. I love both Young Adult books and adult fiction/urban fantasy books. I tend to read more young adult lit, but that's not because I prefer it, it is just because I have more access to it. I mean I am more aware of the YA choices that are out there. Does that make sense?

hi, im an old follower who came to say hi.
Happy HOP! I love visiting your site and I'll be book. It's great meeting others who love the same kinds of books you do. Happy reading :)
HOP by my blog this week
Just stopped by for the hop. I hope you have a great weekend!!
A Book Obsession..
Well, hi there! I'm Izzy and I'm just hopping on by. Great blogs that you linked to - I'll have to check them out soon!
(PS: I'm a new follower!)
Just hopping in from the book blog hop. I {heart} your blog! Excellent design and header. I'll be following to see what you post next.
In the Closet With a Bibliophile
New follower hopping by. Great blog picks and yours is wonderful too!
Teens Read and Write
Hello, I'm Rowena from The Book Scoop and I've got to say that I adore your header/banner thing. That is just too cute for words!
I'm a new follower, hopping over from the blog hop so I look forward to reading your thoughts on the books you're reading...especially since I see that The Hunger Games is an upcoming review, woo hoo for The Hunger Games! Team Peeta!
Found you on FF. I'm a new follower!
Hopping through. I love Story Siren and Angieville especially.
My Hop
hey! thank you for stopping by my blog, i'm following you back :) your blog is really cute, can't wait to read more of it!
I´m stopping by to share some blog hopping love!
You´re blog is really great, I´m on old follower!
Have a great wekend!
Here´s my blog hop:
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