Today I have the honor of kicking off Megan Duncan's Savor Blog Tour. The tour will run the entire month of October, so be sure to pop over to Megan's website to get more information on all of the upcoming stops!
You Can Find Megan at the Following Locations:
Book: Savor by Megan Duncan
Series: Warm Delicacy #1
Genre: Urban Fantasy / Young Adult
Buy A Copy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Available Formats: Print / Ebook
Publication Date: September 28th, 2011
First Sentence: "As much as I had been dreaming about this day, I had been dreading it just as much."
How Did I Get This Book: For review, from author
Description: When Claire Miller turned eighteen all she wanted to do was celebrate her birthday, but after a night on the town with her best friend she awakes to a visitor she never expected. The rulers of her region, a vampire royal family, have chosen her to be turned as their new heir and vampire princess. Claire quickly discovers the royal family is not what they seem and that she has secrets in her past, she never knew existed.
Savor begins a bit slow, but quickly picks up momentum. I struggled at first with connecting to the story, but soon enough the story sucked me in. Claire is a likable heroine, but not a particularly memorable one. In a sea of YA vampire characters, she just did not make a big enough splash for me. That being said, I will admit as the book progressed she did in fact grow on me.
Although, I feel it was Robin who really stole the show for me. Robin is a member of Claire’s new royal vampire family and she is an absolute riot. She’s bubbly, sweet and incredibly enjoyable. I also enjoyed both of the love interests in the story – Arrick and Dmitry. They could easily be seen as opposites; where Dmitry is more of a gentle, playful soul, Arrick is intense and rather overwhelming. I honestly do not know who I prefer at the moment; I am not entirely sure I am sold on Dmitry and we really did not get much time with Arrick.
While I was reading the book I found myself questioning little plot tidbits here and there. I thought I was being so incredibly smart, thinking, I’d found plot errors; never bothering to question rather or not they were intentional. Duncan is a sneaky one folks. She definitely leaves you clues and hints, but they are small ones. As the story progressed, I started piecing things together, but I never imagined what Duncan had it store. I mean, holy plot twists, Batman; that was certainly a doozey of an ending. A paging-turning, cliffhanging, hair-pulling, ending.
The storyline itself was also incredibly intriguing; I cannot remember ever reading a story in which the vampires were looked upon as good. Granted, there is still political strife in Savor – people who rebel against the system, but for the most part Duncan presents them as idolized characters. It certainly is an interesting take on things; I have grow very accustomed to the “get out your pitchforks and knifes” kind of plotline.
Long story short… I’ll tell you this; I want the next book pronto. Savor defiantly had some bumpy spots, but overall it is a solid start to a new series. Duncan weaves an intriguing story full of mystery, excitement and romance that is sure to dazzle fans of vampire fiction.

Favorite Quotes:
I couldn't imagine what he could have to tell me that would be good enough news to wake me up for at six in the morning.
Talking about changes happening to my body, no matter what their nature weren't things I needed to discuss with a guy.
Though at times I felt I could almost feel the heat of Ana's hateful stare trying desperately to make me spontaneously combust.
I had meant to shout it aloud, but it came out as a whisper, sneaking from my lips like a secret.
I definitely didn't want to be known as the Princess who wore grandma panties to her coronation ball.
A woman knows well the tears of a lost love.

This sounds like something I'll have to add to my wishlist!
Just finished this! Couldn't agree more with your review!
:o) Thanks so much for the review! You are awesome! ♥
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