Today is my tour stop for G.P. Ching's latest book, Weaving Destiny! Be sure to follow all the stops; there are a few opportunites to win a copy of Weaving Destiny and you could even with a Kindle from G.P. Ching! *you can find a complete list of the tour stops below my review
Book: Weaving Destiny by G.P. Ching
Series: The Soulkeepers #2
Previous Books in the Series: The Soulkeepers (#1)
Genre: Urban Fantasy /Young Adult
Buy A Copy: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Available Formats: Ebook / Paperback
Publication Date: June 22nd, 2011
How Did I Get This Book: From Author, For Review
Description: Malini Gupta thought Jacob Lau was her destiny. But after months of failing to decipher how she fits into the Soulkeepers, frustration threatens to tear their relationship apart. And it doesn't help that a new Soulkeeper named Mara is ready to stop time itself to earn Jacob's love.
When Malini faces her worst fears, and even death, she learns a funny thing about destiny. Fate is a tapestry of choices, and she has the power to weave hers.
With Weaving Destiny, G.P. Ching serves up a fascinating story that is equal parts action, excitement and emotional baggage.
Jacob and Malini’s relationship undergoes a change, and I must say that it makes me love them even more. I am not going to give away the details, but let’s just say that the dynamics change. They do a lot of growing throughout Weaving Destiny; both together and separately. Malini especially begins to have more of an identity outside of their relationship and it is really nice to see her in the spotlight.
There is also a new Soulkeeper in town. Mara is a teenage girl from Chicago that has had an extremely rough go of it. She is definitely jaded and she adds an interesting dynamic to the story. I was afraid that she would simply become a plot device used to cause friction between Malini and Jacob, but as the story progressed she began to come into her own. I will not deny it, I was quick to judge her, but she certainly grows on you. She undoubtedly stepped into a difficult role; I cannot imagine anyone will take too kindly to someone who comes between Jacob and Malini. However, Ching did give her an awesome story arc. Out of all the plotlines in the series so far, I am most excited to see hers develop.
Weaving Destiny, much like its predecessor is filled to the brim with action and excitement. Ching certainly has some new tricks up her sleeve to keep things interesting, including zombies, dates with Death and a side trip to Eden. I can only imagine what Ching has in store for us in book three.
The ending certainly snuck up on me; I did not expect it to end so quickly. I was so engrossed in the storyline that I was not paying any sort of attention to the page numbers. And I must admit, I am dying to know what happens next.
Weaving Destiny was a wonderful follow up to G.P. Ching’s The Soulkeepers. Ching manages to stay true to the characters, while expanding them at the same time. We are also introduced to a few new friends that are sure to captivate readers. I loved the first installment and I was afraid that Weaving Destiny wouldn’t live up to it, but I am happily to admit that I was wrong. It was just as exciting and intriguing as the first book!

Favorite Quotes:
Malini didn't usually make snap judgements about people, but she didn't like this new Soulkeeper. In fact, at that moment, if Mara had burst into flames, someone else would've had to put her out.
Why, I love the feel of plastic wrapped amphibian in the afternoon.
It is you. You're Wisnu. Wow, saved by my great-great-grandmothers magical pet mongoose. I did not see that coming.
She wasn't there, not really. And he couldn't protect her this time. He leaned forward and buried his face in his hands. He tried to accept that this was one journey she had to complete on her own.
There's nothing like a few decaying body parts to make for a romantic prom.
Don't you know about destiny, Malini? Destiny is not a place that we navigate to like a pinpoint on a map. Destiny is the fabric woven from our choices. It is the cloak we wear every day and the shroud that covers us in our death. You can't wait for destiny to find you. You make it for yourself.
It wouldn't be murder, Malini, it would be mercy.
What color did you wear to have your heart broken?
He knew the world needed Malini; she was the last Healer. But he needed her more.
Tour Stops
September 12
Rachel at
September 13
Sarah at
September 14
Review and giveaway
Valerie at
September 15
Misty at
Review and giveaway
Amanda at
September 16
Guest post & giveaway
Misty at
September 19
Andrea at
September 20
Interview and giveaway
Amber at
September 21
Catherine at
September 22
Amy at
September 23
Review and giveaway
Krystal at
September 24
Amber at
September 26
Review and giveaway
Kreag at

1 comment:
I'm reading my ARC right now and I feel it's better than the first book, so far. I really love Malini so much more now because she's such a normal girl and she reacts so realistically to her bizarre life.
Great review!
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