Book: The Fallen Star by Jessica Sorensen
Series: The Fallen Star #1
Pages: 449
Genre: Young Adult / Fantasy
Buy A Copy: Paperback / Ebook
Available Formats: Hardcover / Ebook
Publication Date: April 9th, 2011
How Did I Get This Book: From Author, For Review
Description: For eighteen year-old Gemma, life has never been normal. Up until recently, she has been incapable of feeling emotion. And when she's around Alex, the gorgeous new guy at school, she can feel electricity that makes her skin buzz. Not to mention the monsters that haunt her nightmares have crossed over into real-life. But with Alex seeming to hate her and secrets popping up everywhere, Gemma's life is turning into a chaotic mess. Things that shouldn't be real suddenly seem to exist. And as her world falls apart, figuring out the secrets of her past becomes a matter of life and death.
I enjoyed the concept of The Fallen Star– you have to admit that it is a rather original idea. the only other book that I have ever heard of that deals with a falling star is Stardust by Neil Gaiman. And there isn’t really much comparison between the two works, because honestly, there are huge fundamental differences. I don’t want to get to far into an explanation of that, because I don’t want to ruin either story for you, but just know that Sorensen gets mad brownie points for creativity.
I wasn’t too keen on Gemma’s love interest, Alex. He was on a complete emotional roller coaster, and while I understand that his attraction for Gemma put him in a difficult position, I still couldn’t excuse his behavior. He was incredibly protective of Gemma, and it was obvious to me as the reader that he had feelings for her, but for some reason I never warmed up to him. Maybe it was because I enjoyed the character of Laylen so much more. Laylen is a vampire that Gemma meets along her journey and he is actually nice to her. He doesn’t avoid her question or lie to her, he tells her the truth. Unfortunately, he isn’t really presented as a love interest. I hope he becomes one, because he is easily my favorite character out of the whole lot.
I also had a few issues with the main character and protagonist, Gemma. I found her a bit hard to relate to and rather childish at times. Although, that could definitely be attributed to her childhood. She was raised in an emotionally isolated environment and never had any friends. So, I guess she would be a little emotionally stunted. So, I understand why she is the way she is, but I still didn’t exactly like it.
Great opening, you are introduced to a girl who couldn’t feel. As far as attention-grabbing plot points go, I’d say that’s a doozie. I, for one, had to know why Gemma grew up emotionless. In fact, that is what kept me reading through the majority of the story. Her lack of and then development of emotions is one of the main driving forces of the story. Sorsensen does a terrific job keeping the storyline connected and following by using this common thread throughout.
On a final note, I will say that my edition did have quite a few typos. However, the author did offer up a new final version, but I had already read my copy. That being said, I did not take the typos into account with my rating, because I do not know what the final copy looks like. I just wanted to say something because I have been reading other reviews and quite a few mention the errors. So as an FYI, there is a shiny, newly edited version out there!
Overall, The Fallen Star was a gripping and exciting read. Sorensen also did a fabulous job crafting and mapping out the book. The pacing was spot-on ad the story was always riveting and intense. I wasn’t crazy about the protagonist and her main love interest, which is a definite problem. I am the kind of person who really needs to connect with the main characters, and unfortunately that didn’t happen. However, the plotline was creative and exciting enough that I still enjoyed The Fallen Star. I will be looking out for the sequel and hopefully I will finally warm up to the characters!

Favorite Quotes
"Wow. My crazy list just keeps getting longer and longer, doesn't it?"
"Besides, I'm not a firm believer in the whole ignorance is bliss motto. I needed to know, even if it turned out to be something bad."
"I really don't think that's the most important thing right now, considering you have a piece of glass sticking out of your rib."
"He shot Laylen a glare as he walked by, but didn't even so much as give me the benefit of a scowl, staring out into the darkness as I stepped pass him."
"I came to the conclusion right then and there that maybe Alex had some kind of bipolar disorder or something. First he hated me. Then he'd kissed me. Sometimes I irritated him. And sometimes he was tasing me. For someone who didn't want me to feel, he sure was sending my emotions all over the place."
"Hey, I might be a stubborn brat sometimes, but when it came to not getting killed, I was more than willing to cooperate."
"Well, this was a nice change. Put me on the verge of dying and he was all for being nice."
"I blasted him with a fiery glare."
"No wonder I have nightmares. Imagine some old lady sneaking into your room late at night and trying to detach your soul. You'd probably have nightmares too."

I really like the sound of this one and I love the cover, I'm going to find it so I can review it! :P
ComaCalm's Corner
I was just anticipating what would of happened next love this book with all my heart.Hope Femme can surcome to Alex.
Highly recommended Bear Tours Day Trips website
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