Books Reviewed This Week:
That's an easy question. I am going to have to go with Lord Voldemort - everybody loves to hate "he-who-must-not-be-named". Tom Marvolo Riddle is sure one crazy ass villain - and he scares EVERYONE. Children, housewives - even big burly men quake in their boots when they think about this guy. Dude's a creeper end of story. Oh, but let's talk about the Dementors for a second. They deserve a shout out as well. In fact, Harry Potter is just full of terrifically terrifying bad guys. Bellatrix is super psychotic as well. I definitely love to hate her. And Man, do I ever hate her. Speaking of dear old Bellatrix, I always think of her when I hear that Heart song, Bebe Lestrange.. When I saw the last Harry Potter movie and she was being super evil, it kept running through my head :)
I also participate in Follow Friday, so those of you who popped by from that, thank you - and thank you parajunkee for hosting it!
This Week's Follow Friday Question is..
What embarrassing thing have you done on cold medicine?
Honestly,the only cold medicine I ever take is the kind that knocks you out. I mean, sometimes I take a cough decongestant or something, but that really doesn't make you loopy. The only time I can remember getting looping (from something medical.. lol) is when I got a filling and had some of the laughing gas. That was some crazy stuff. But I don't think I did anything strange, except tell my mother that I understood why people smoked weed. So, I guess that counts as my answer :)

Old follower hopping by. I'm pretty sure that you are not going to be the only one to name Voldemort as your favorite!!
Have a great week!
I'm hopping by. I agree that Lord Voldemort is a fabulous villain. I think Delores Umbridge actually gets my ire up more than him.
Good answers! I thought of Snape too! The teacher that our heroes loathe! You'll never guess who I DID decide as my favourite villain.
Hi! Just stopping by on the hop. I chose Voldemort too! Such a great character-also scary and hate-worthy.
Have a great weekend :)
Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries
I like your answer! I thought of choosing Snape, but he lost out at the last minute. Hopping by :)
AHHH VOLDY! Now, that's an evil dude! :P Great pick!
Come visit my hop!
Ooh, great pick! I used Snape as mine. But I completely agree with you about Voldemort, and well, basically the fact that Harry Potter is definitely full of kick-ass villains.
Just hopping by from the blog hop. Ooh, I loved Voldemort. He was definitely a great villain, good choice.
Choosing a villain was tough LOL. Harry Potter has had so many great bad guys! Hop by and see me if you want ;)
Voldemort is an easy one! xD
Happy Friday! I agree with you on Voldemort. He is a great villain. Have a nice weekend :)
Hi, hon - already a follower, but sharing the Friday love anyway. Nice choice with HP villains . . . I didn't completely fall for Bellatrix until the movies, but she's great.
Sally @ Bibrary Bookslut
Ah, he-who-must-not-be-named is an excellent choice of villains. Anyone who's willing to kill babies is top-notch villain material.
Happy hopping and reading!
Just hoppin’ by - Great villain! Stop by The Wormhole on your hop! Have a great weekend – Happy reading!
I can see Voldemort being a popular choice. Just hopping on by, have a fab weekend.
hehe "He Who Must Not Be Named" he's creepy but my all-time favorite villains are Sauron, Nazguls and Gollum.
found you thru the blog hop and im your newest follower! happy friday!
At first, I thought that said "Beatrice" as in Beatrice Potter. I was thinking to myself, "huh?" Oops. We read The Tale of Peter Rabbit last night. Guess it's still on my mind.
Hi, I found your site blog-hopping. Bookish Girl looks good. Nice and eclectic. I'm following :)
He's mine to, a really scary guy.
Voldmort is a great bad guy, but I had to pick Umbridge from the HP series. That woman had a way of getting under my skin and boiling my blood. I'm getting all worked up just thinking about her.
Have a great week!
"He who shall not be named" is a great pick! I picked Snape, but Voldemort is pure evil!
Here's mine-
Hello! stopping by for the hop. So many people have been saying the villain from harry potter, I have never read the series. You can find me at
Stopping in on the hop :). Happy Friday.
Hey a new follower here!! I love your blog! especially the header!! How do you make it? I would soo chose Voldermort as well =D
Feel free to check my blog out
Happy Friday!
Hope you have a great week full of reading. Drop by my blog and see what I had to say and enter my March Madness Giveaway
Barb at Sugarbeat's Books
Voldemort is the leading villain this week! I haven't read the series yet, but plan on it! I'm an old follower just hopping by. I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog The Crazy Bookworm
Have a great weekend!
Voldemort, Dementors, Bellatrix...all very good answers!
Happy Friday!
The Musings of ALMYBNENR
I'm just hopping by to say Happy Follow Friday! I'm an old follower. :)
Jenny @ Into The Morning Reads
Voldemort seems like a popular answer! With good reason. great shout out to the Dementors too! Those sure creeped me out as welll, I mean I guess the ability to soul suck will do that to you. lol One of the other bloggers mentioned Umbridge from the series as well, and even though that's not someone I would normally think of right off the bat - she was pretty scary!
I'm a new follower, great blog! Happy friday!
nook nest
Hi, new follower! I just wanted to say I love your blog! I can't say if I think Voldemort is good villain...I haven't read the Harry Potters yet. I know, I know! I'll get to them...eventually!
Jennifer @ Just Nooking Around
Oooh! Dementors! How could I forget about those baddies? They definitely do deserve a shout out.
Well, gee. Don't they say great minds think alike?
Just hoppin' through! Have a great weekend! :)
iLive, iLaugh, iLove Books
Hopping on through! I'm a new follower. Check out mine:
My favorite villain is Snape. I remember when the books first came out, everyone hated him so, but I thought he was great since he was the only one who ever told Potter that he wasn't above the rules!
This weekend I'm at a Children's Literature Conference with a terrible cold unfortunately, so hopefully I won't embarrass myself once I'm all dosed up with decongestants! Cross your fingers for me!
Nice pick! :) I picked Voldemort too!
New follower :)
Hah! Voldemort certainly sprang to mind when I was picking... but I was suspicious that it had to do with me just watching the movie, so I chose someone else, lol!
Check my pick out here
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