Books Reviewed This Week:
Betrayal (Haunting Emma #2) - Lee Nicols
Across the Universe - Beth Revis
Waiting on Wednesday: The Gathering - Kelley Armstrong
Thank You Everyone who is stopping by for the Blog Hop and thank you to crazy-for-books for hosting the hop!This week's Questions is...
"Do you ever wish you would have named your blog something different?"
No, not really. I put a lot of thought into my blog name - I had a ton of different options worked out. It is kind of irritating though, there is a thebookishgirl on blogger too, so if you google me that comes up sometimes. I don't think the blog is active anymore though - and its not a book review blog... so that's good :)
I also participate in Follow Friday, so those of you who popped by from that, thank you - and thank you parajunkee for hosting it!
This Week's Follow Friday Question is..
Share your current fav television show! Tell us a bit about it...
Well, that's a bit of a loaded question - there are a few shows that are currently running that I love. First of all, Glee - which I am sure many of you watch. For those of you living in a cave - it's a musical/comedy show about a high school glee club. I also love the Big Bang Theory; which is a sitcom about a group of crazy, socially awkward geeks and their super hot neighbor, Penny. It is absolutely hilarious and I think everyone should watch it; I kind of LOVE Sheldon. Lets see, what else... oh Bones. Bones is my current crime show of choice - I have already gone through a CSI, Criminal Minds, Lie to Me, and NCIS phase. I also love Supernatural. That's a show about two kickass, demon hunting brothers who drive around in an awesome car and make snarky comments. I will admit it, I have a huge obsession with Dean, he is kind of my favorite. But, Castiel is a close second. What else?? Oh True Blood, but it's not on right now. Last but not least, I have to give a shout out to Friday Night Lights, even though it just ended. That show was EPIC. Oh, wait. I lied. One more - It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. That's about it for shows that are on right now... some canceled shows that I still watch on a regular basis are Veronica Mars, Freaks and Geeks, Will and Grace and Friends. I wish The Wonder Years was on DVD - I would buy that in a instant :)

Bones is one of those shows I think I'll always be watching. The same can be said for True Blood. I'm not really a Glee fan....Supernatural is still on? 0.0 I don't think i've seen that in a few years, maybe I'll start watching again :)
Happy Hopping!
Hopping by and hoping you have a nice weekend :)
I LOVE Supernatural! I'm rewatching season one right now. I'm Team Dean too. :)
Haha I'm a Dean-girl too, how can you not ;D Love that show!
And Big Bang Theory is freaking hilarious, it literally makes me lol
Have a great weekend! My FF
I love Bones! I just finished season 5, and I'm planning to buy season 6 when it comes out on DVD. Veronica Mars is currently my all time favorite show...but that frequently changes! Lol
Have a great weekend!
I like Bones and I really like True Blood-I would like to invite you to consider participating
Irish Short Story Week-3/14 to 3/20
Old follower stopping by! At least you know your name is popular :-) And I absolutely love Big Bang Theory - it's one of the few shows I watch!
Hope you have a good weekend!
My Hop
Hey, I agree with you :) I think we all choose our names to suit our personalities and alot of thought goes into the process :)
I love True Blood - Own S1 and S2 on DVD, Supernatural Own s1-s4 and have s5 on pre-order and Bones own s1-s5 and funnily enough own all three seasons of Veronica Mars :)
Old follower
I love glee as well.
I have watched Glee a few times but rest of the family doesn't care for it so , outnumbered.
Follow Friday and Blog Hops
Just hopping by. Ooh, I love Glee and Supernatural. They're my fav's at the moment.
Hopping by to say Hi! I nearly forgot about True Blood! I also heart Weeds. You can see my hop over here if you'd like:
Hey Sarah and Happy Friday! Have a nice weekend :)
Totally agree with you on having a name that suits our personalities. And your looks great. :D Also, you have quite the array of awesome tv shows listed for Parajunkie's meme. New follower here!
(Side note, the actor who played Sheldon went to my high school.)
Happy reading!
Supernatural is sooo good!!
In the Hammock Blog
I've definitely got to check out The Big Bang Theory and Supernatural!
Happy Friday!
What’s in a name? Everything! A name is a label, a description and a promise. I’m very happy with mine – “Howard Sherman, Implementor” but it was quite a journey to get there.
> Hop on over to my blog and find out why –
> Howard Sherman
I love Bones and Supernatural, too! Great shows. You are like me... can't pick just one favorite!
Hi, I'm a new follower!
You picked some great shows, and we definitely have in common True Blood. OMG, can't wait for Season 4 to start!!
Stop by our blog if you have a chance,
Hey new follower here =] I like Bones too, but I love Criminal Minds more atm. Here's my first ever follow friday and my list of my favourite book series ever
Hi, I am here from the Hop! You have a fantastic blog name. Enjoy your weekend. :)
hopping by! new follower!! Hope you check out my blog as well! =]
i love pretty little liars!
Hiya! I just followed you and I hope you'll follow me too!
I'm a new blogger as well, so any other people out there that will follow me will be appreciated! Thanks! (^_^)
Hi, I also love the first few shows you listed! Supernatural, which I'm ready to watch tonight. Big Bang Theory is my favorite right now as well. I also love Glee, and I was disappointed that Bones was not on last night. I'm going to follow you, feel free to come follow me as well!
I love Supernatural and True Blood! I'm waiting patiently for the return of True Blood. Hope you have a great weekend.
Meaghan @ Feeling a Little Bookish
I love Bones! Except or the fifth season I'm all caught up with that one. I watched Supernatural some when it first started airing, but I lost interest.
Found you through the blog hop, new follower. :)
Here's mine!
Oh how I wish the same about The Wonder Years!! Kevin Arnold was my ideal boyfriend, lol. And I understand your frustration at someone having your blogspot url..some had gonewiththewords and they have never posted a thing in their life! I was so mad...but I just bought the domain name and felt better, lol.
Old follower :)
Jess @ Gone with the Words
Newest follower here via the Friday Blog Hop. I am a writer of contemporary romance and a reader of almost anything. Hope you stop by and check out my blog.
Hopping by and I'm about to follow you! ^^
Happy hop!
Love Veronica Mars.
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