Books Reviewed This Week:
I Am Number Four (Lorien Legacies #1) - Pittacus Lore
Camille (Camille #1) - Tess Oliver
Delirium (Delirium #1) - Lauren Oliver
Thank You Everyone who is stopping by for the Blog Hop and thank you to crazy-for-books for hosting the hop!This week's Questions is...
"What book(s) would you like to see turned into a movie?"
Well, there are a TON of books that I think would make excellent movies, but I am going to go with Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher, The Darkest Powers Trilogy by Kelley Armstrong and The Mercy Thompson series by Patricia Briggs. :)
I also participate in Follow Friday, so those of you who popped by from that, thank you - and thank you parajunkee for hosting it!
This Week's Follow Friday Question is..
If you are a fan of Science Fiction what is your favorite book? If you haven't read Science Fiction before...any inkling to? Anything catch your eye?
I only recently starting reading Science Fiction books, but my current favorite would have to be the Katherine "Kitty" Katt series by Gini Koch (Touched by an Alien & Alien Tango). They are incredibly funny and Kitty is such a wonderful heroine. If you haven't read them yet, I would certainly check them out!

Happy Hopping!
I'm trading some of my ARCs so make sure you stop by :)
OH I forgot about the Kitty Katt Series I am so wanting to read that too.
My FF and Blog Hops
Hey Sarah! Happy Friday! Just stopping by to say hi! Have a great weekend :)
here's mine
I haven't heard of this but will check it out. I'm your newest follower.
Hopping through. I'm not a sci fi person but the Kitty Kat books sound fun.
My Hop
Great picks! I haven't read the Darkest Powers series yet, but I wouldn't mind seeing it as a movie. :) The summaries for the books sound amazing. I own the first one, but haven't had a chance to read it all the way through yet. :)
My first blog hop and I am enjoying the reading. Have a good weekend.
Hopping by to say hi! I really need to read the Mercy Thompson books since so my friends keep raving about them. :) And the graphic novels look pretty awesome too.
Happy hopping and reading!
I would LOVE to see The Darkest Powers trilogy as a movie!!! Great list!
Happy Reading!
Christy @TheReaderBee
I just finished reading Delirium, and I loved it. I'll probably be reviewing it soon on my blog.
I don't know if I could watch The Darkest Powers as a movie... it was scary enough as a book... I'm not much for horror movies... I'd probably skip it.
There are some great movies based on YA novels coming down the pike though... Hunger Games, Shiver, it's pretty exciting!
I love the blog hop. Stop by for my answer and for a Book Blog Giveaway.
…28 blogs participating blogs. New follower..cute blog name.
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