For the Read-a-thon I've selected a stack of Urban Fantasy and Horror books that I'm hoping to get through. I am feeling pretty good about narrowing it down to 4 books, it took me awhile - but I wanted to have a feasible amount :)
1. Draw the Dark - Ilsa J. Bick
2. Disappearing Nightly - Laura Resnick
3. Darkness Creeping - Neal Shusterman
4. Blood of the Demon - Diana Rowland

I am one of the bloggers hosting a mini challenge. My Challenge is simple, you just have to answer the following question in a comment:
If you were turned into a vampire, who would you want to be your companion?
*Please be sure to include your email address in your comment, so I can contact you if you win :)
What is up for grabs you ask? Well, I am offering up a hardcover copy of Generation Dead by Daniel Waters. I figured that zombies were pretty fitting for our Halloween theme :)
The Contest ends this Sunday, October 17th at Midnight. So be sure to comment with your answers before then!

I already have this book, so I just want to leave my answer.
I would want my companion to be Alexander Skarsgard from True Blood. He makes me drool, sigh. lol!
Good luck to everyone who enters!
I haven't read Generation Dead yet, but it look awesome :) and you're right, it's definitely fitting for Halloween lol
Well part of me wants to say some super hot actor because come on who wouldn't, but I don't know what they're actually like, so I might just have to go cheesy and say one of my dog's. I know I won't get sick of them after an eternity...although teaching them to contain their bloodlust might be another story :S
Awesome question, and thanks for the chance to win Generation Dead :D
If I were turned into a vampire, I would definitely want a companion like Rhode from Infinite Days: best friend, occasional lover, and all-around sweetie! :)
Thanks for hosting this mini-challenge!
Email: 365DaysReading at gmail dot com
If I were to be turned into a vampire...hmmm...I would want want husband as my companion...and my son. Am I being too greedy? I can't live without either and my dog too if that's okay...basically the whole family!
Thanks for a great mini-challenge! I have yet to read Generation Dead...it's been on my list though!
stilettostorytime at gmail dot com
Dean Winchester! I have such a huge crush on him, plus he'd be a great protector. The fact he's completely gorgeous doesn't hurt either! haha :D
That book really looks great!
Hm, if I'd be turned into a vampire...
I'd probably be one of those loner vampires who are dark and mysterious, you know.
If in desperate need of a companion, I'd choose an animal, actually. One who doesn't speak and doesn't get on my nerves. A cat, maybe? A black cat. Ooooh.
Peter from Amanda Hocking's "My Blood Approves" series. He's pretty much my favorite vampire. And it's nice that he's already been alive for a while cause then he'll always have stuff to talk to me about.
My daughters. And we would be the most amazing and powerful female vampire clan the world has ever known....mwhahahahahaha ;)
I'm gonna be a vampire whore and take Ian Sommerland, Jensen Ackles, Eric Northman, Alcide, Seth from Wicked Lovely, Zach from Shadow Hills, and Ariel & Nate from Eyes Like Stars. Oh yeah I'm gonna whore it up lol.
Cassay C
cassandra dot crouser at yahoo dot com
Oh AND some Jace/Simonn/Luke from TMI
LOL. I would have to agree with Cassay! Im going to be with more than one :D I would choose the ones that she chose also and I want to add in Lestat from Anne Rice's novels :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
Don't forget to check out my giveaway.
Ashley's Bookshelf
If I can't have Adrian Ivashkov I won't turn vampire at all. Just thinking about spending eternity with him makes me happy...the perfect guy...with fangs ( There is also Jace, Jem, Damon and a heap of others but...):P I HEART ADRIAN! Team Adrian!!!
I would want my companion to be Robert Pattinson!
swordsforfighting at yahoo dot com
If I became a vampire and had to live through all eternity I would like to have my sister keep me company through my long life. With her I know that I would still enjoy life and have fun and laugh a lot :-) and of course I could always count on her to find us some crushes :-)
(but if I had to choose a male companion, I would like to have Henry Cavill: he is very intelligent, speaks several languages, loves to travel and is so handsome! :-D)
Thanks for the great giveaway! :-)
stella.exlibris (at) gmail (dot) com
I would like to have my boyfriend for companion if i were a vampire... and my baby son too xD... sorry, i just cant think in anyone else
Ian Somerhalder... Yum! (:
bratdownstairs at yahoo
If I were turned into a vampire, I would want Christian from the Vampire Academy series to be my companion. He's snarky so we'll get along great and as an added bonus, since I'm in Canada and he has the ability to manipulate fire, I'll always be warm.
My family, of course, oh sure, I may be damning them to a long, miserable life in the dark... but... hey...that's what family's for! XD
My boyfriend is the logical answer since no one else would compliment my new lifestyle better than the person who compliments my current lifestyle the best.
jlynettes @ hotmail . com
I would want my husban I would turn him. Hes good at figuring things out. Fiction: Edward Cullen. Cause hes got it all.
Obviously my boyfriend, because I'm definitely not going to live for the eternity without him. But I'd also like to share eternity with my dog, Cotton.
I haven't read this novel but it looks interesting.
If I were turned into a vampires I would have to take with me Damon from Vampire Diaries. Umm. He is freaking sexy. I would have a blast with him. If I was focusing only on love then Jasper or Edward would be good.
If we are talking about real life people hahah, then I don't really know. I am not dating anyone at this moment so I don't think I would have someone I would like to take with me to the dark side LOL!
truthbetold004 at gmail dot com
If I were turned into a vampires I would have to take with me Damon from Vampire Diaries. Umm. He is freaking sexy. I would have a blast with him. If I was focusing only on love then Jasper or Edward would be good.
If we are talking about real life people hahah, then I don't really know. I am not dating anyone at this moment so I don't think I would have someone I would like to take with me to the dark side LOL!
truthbetold004 at gmail dot com
If I were to turn into a vampire, I'd have to absolutely take Ian Somerhalder, Alexander Skarsgard, and John O'Callaghan :)
beautiful_molly at hotmail dot com
Of course, I would pick my favorite character of all time, The Vampire Lestat, from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles. How fun would it be to spend time with him? I think it would be a blast!
Thanks for the mini-challenge!
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